Lizzay Dizzay Wiki

Lian Harper[]

  • Lian has decided to rage quit law school and is instead going to take online courses to get a bachelor's in business.

Tucker Kent[]

  • Tucker/Danica that is all

Dylan West[]

  • Dylan/Evan hurdurdurdurdur
  • She starts working at the Barfield Sportcenter as a lifeguard. She also helps teach kids how to play tennis and helps out with the summer tennis camps there.

Lamar Roth[]

  • Lamar is going to quit his job at the Grille and start working at the local Blackwood Mountain Journal.
  • He's also going to Desmond to get a college education and major in Literature or something idk.

Emilia Holt[]

  • She needs a boyfriend so she can date someone and then that someone gets really jealous that she's always with Grant and he thinks that she's cheating on him with her best friend, so she breaks up with him. 
  • Grant/Emilia is solely friendship. See here .

Grant Burnham[]

  • He's gonna get laid. Idk when or how, but it will happen.

Nadia Rey[]

  • She's gonna attend BIST. Probs be roommates with Monika. Ahahahahahaha. That's all I got. 
  • She has some hot new boyfriend.

Adrian Capaldi[]

  • Juliette and Adrian are sadface about their partners leaving so they just start fricking and stuff. 
  • That's all I got for now.
  • He loves her and stuff idk

Brooke Vincent[]

  • Brooke and her bff Kaya are gonna get in a fight and Brooke is gonna move out and probs just live with Jaime and Wes for a little while until she can get her own apartment.
  • Like who the fuck would want to live with the guy you're sleeping with and the roommate of the guy you're sleeping with whom you've made out with?
  • Since during the summer Brooke won't really have a job, she decides to work at Eternity 21.

Jaime Cabrera[]

  • Since he's graduated college and everything, he decides to just quit his stupid job that he hates.
  • He doesn't have a job for a while and just instead paints a lot and sells it to people who want his work.
  • Probably in like late June he decides to get a job again and works at some art museum in the gift shop and sells stuff to people.

Lenore Bryant[]

  • na

Mingan Oka[]

  • na

Adara Hawthorne[]

  • she totes like that peter guy

Rosemarie Sparrow[]

  • idk
  • she and grant can do the frick frack bc grant needs to do the frick frack and she a ho